
Sunday 24 January 2010

Same Old... New Name?

It's 11 pm, and this is the first chance I've had to sit down and write a blog entry today. Life gets continually busier, but you know - it feels fulfilled. I find, that the busier I get, the less chance I have of getting myself into trouble. I just feel better overall when I keep busy. Not over-busy, I mean - too much stuff creates the bad kind of stress. I hope I don't push myself to that point, but good stress is very helpful I find.

My sister called me today, she says I need to look into this "Flat Belly Diet". She's going to give it a go. I'm not one for fad diets, but there are an awful lot of people out there that swear by this one. I don't know, someone needs to tell me what I did before. I seem to have a difficult time finding the right balance between exercise and diet. I may be exercising too much. Perhaps am not doing the right kind of exercise. My diet definitely could be improved, but at the moment is entirely dependent on my budget. Which really isn't an excuse. I eat healthy for the most part, but if someone is going to give me free food, I'm certainly not going to turn it away...

Speaking of this, the ladies at church have asked me to speak to them about how I lost weight before... what I did, and what was the connection I made in my head that finally got me to change my lifestyle. I haven't planned exactly what I'm going to say to them, but I hope to be able to convey to them exactly the sort of motivation that I had in the beginning, and in doing so - re-motivate myself to do something differently. Because whatever I'm doing doesn't seem to help. The more exercise I do, the bigger my thighs seem to get. It is rather defeating...

I will try to muster motivation to motivate others, but it is difficult just now. Ah well, I'm still reasonably healthy at least...

1 comment:

Maus said...

nice one...keep blogging..