Hands Down!!
My good friend Kaly posted this sock monster to me because I mentioned how wonderful and adorable they were when she posted a blog about them ages ago. (link) I think it's pretty great that she remembered how much I liked them.
Thanks Kaly!
I do realize that I have not actually blogged since September. Admittedly, I have found balancing my life quite difficult since becoming a part-time (more like every other minute besides work) Open University student. Plus life has it's ups and downs anyway, so when you add the stress of having a million things to do with very little time to do them, it tends to overwhelm...
...still the Primary President too. Love Primary, love the kids, just finding balancing my life quite difficult right now.
However, things are looking up, and I'm grateful to know that there are people in my life who care about me - near and far. :-) xxx's all around....
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