Remember when I used to blog every time I had a thought in my head? Yeah, those were crazy times...
I was funny, and articulate, and sometimes passionate about things. I still am really... I just feel less like sharing it with the world these days. I'm trying to keep my public profile simple - but honestly - my life is still whacky.
I've been spending my evenings in the library because I can't seem to focus on studies at home. As soon as I get home, all I want to do is vegetate by social networking, and you-tubing, and BBC i-playering, and silly stuff really. Before I know it, it's 9pm, and I haven't done a thing, and I never get around to Yoga like I want to.
So, yeah - the Library and me, we've become good friends. 2 hours after work every day, that's the ticket. I'm enjoying my studies, I must say. I think it's really important this time around to study more regularly so that it's fresh in my head. I'm pretty lucky with this module that there's no tests. There is however - 7 tutor marked assignments. 7!!! The first is due on the 29th of October.
There is a downside to this library haunting mind you... it means I get home at 8:30-ish... then I take my down time, and before I know it, it's 11pm! But, at least I've gotten some good study time in. Still no Yoga mind.
It's terribly rainy today. Really, really rainy. My cold is getting worse AGAIN! My ears are plugged, and all I seem to be able to do today is complain. But, other than that - everything is sunny and bright in my life. :-)