
Tuesday 12 August 2008

Greed: Why Their World Will Never Be The Same...

I stumbled upon this website a while back after I had read about aerial photos being taken of a tribe of people who had been previously un-contacted by our civilization...

Watch this presentation...

Then, tell me that it's fair to drive these people off of their land? Obviously the answer is no. It seems history constantly repeats itself with the same theme over and over again...


On top of losing their land, they are exposed to deadly diseases such as the common cold, influenza, chickenpox...

Are you aware that this is how the entire civilization of the Aztecs was destroyed? Not to mention the Incas and other major civilizations all over America (North, Central, South)? The conquistadors brought their diseases, and their pigs - diseased, and they wiped out an entire civilization. I think it's really important for all of us in our so-called "civilized" world to be aware of what is being done in the name of industry today...

Be aware; and if you have the means, do something about it.

Further videos...

The Enawene Nawe of Mato Grosso State, Brazil

From the Kalahari to Court - The Bushmen's Victory

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