
Sunday, 1 August 2010

Dieting again...

Well, here I am - dieting again.

I know - it seems like I'm always dieting. This time, I've decided to avoid all creativity, and generally stay away from unknown tactics.

I've decided to do what I did before - you know when I lost 110 lbs.

It seems to work for me. I think, in essence - I'm lazy when it comes to dieting. When I get home, I'm tired of work, tired of doing everything really, and therefore, ready-made meals (as unappealing as they are) seem to work for me.

So - yeah, I'm replacing meals with high protein, high fibre shakes again.

In fact, I've worked out a step-by-step programme that's tailored to me and my needs right now. I've listed them at the tab at the top which says "New Diet Plan".

So, you can go there, and see what it is I'm doing.

As I said, it's not ideal - but it seems to be what works for me. The only reason I gained 60 pounds of it back is because I changed my lifestyle again. I ate things that weren't good for me, and became sedentary. That's simple enough, of course I'm going to gain weight with that combination. It didn't help that I completely uprooted myself and moved to another continent.

So - whether or not you approve of meal replacements, it doesn't really matter, because as I said, it works for me.

Will keep you posted about progress. (for good or bad) Watch the tab at the top that says "New Diet Plan" - where I will log my weight over the next 6 months or so.